Today’s Communiqué – 8.7.20

1. Where are the Shiphrah, Puah, Amram and Jochebed Saviors for Our Children?”, by Wendell Griffen

2. Screen Time w/Today’s Communiqué Chats with Delores Morris of The One by Dee – A Division of Dee’s Delightful Desserts

3. Arkansas Department of Health Hosts Community Covid-19 Testing

4. Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus presents Q/A with the Candidates Series 2

1. “Where are the Shiphrah, Puah, Amram and Jochebed Saviors for Our Children?”, by Wendell Griffen

2. Screen Time w/Today’s Communiqué Chats with Delores Morris of The One by Dee – A Division of Dee’s Delightful Desserts

3. Arkansas Department of Health Hosts Community Covid-19 Testing

4. Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus presents Q/A with the Candidates Series 2