1. [Video] A Mother’s Day Conversation with El Dorado, Arkansas Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer
2. Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals Host Mindful Minute Conversation Series: Ask The Mental Health Professionals
3. Arkansas Center for Health Disparities Distinguished Lecture Series Hosts Dr. Mignonne C. Guy, Ph.D. – “Anatomy of America: Deconstructing Racialized Inequities from Past to Present”
4. UCA Hosts Virtual Minority Business Workshop Series
5. Just God Hosts National Day of Prayer featuring Governor Asa Hutchinson and Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, Jr.
6. The Derek Olivier Research Institute Hosts Its 1st Derek-O Mother’s Day Weekend of Hope
7. Now Accepting Applications: Philander Smith College 2021 Youth Theological Institute
1. [Video] A Mother’s Day Conversation with El Dorado, Arkansas Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer
2. Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals Host Mindful Minute Conversation Series: Ask The Mental Health Professionals
3. Arkansas Center for Health Disparities Distinguished Lecture Series Hosts Dr. Mignonne C. Guy, Ph.D. – “Anatomy of America: Deconstructing Racialized Inequities from Past to Present”
4. UCA Hosts Virtual Minority Business Workshop Series
E-Commerce 101 – Minority Business Workshop Series Wednesday, May 5 | Noon(CT) | VIRTUAL | FREE
Click Here to REGISTER
5. Just God Hosts National Day of Prayer featuring Governor Asa Hutchinson and Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, Jr.
Join Rev. Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., National Day of Prayer State Coordinator, Governor Asa Hutchinson, Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, Jr., state leaders, families, educators, business owners, medical professionals, artists, and the community as we gather to pray together on the steps of the Arkansas State Capitol.
Details at: www.justgod.today