1. “This Is Why Donald Trump Is Barred From Holding Any Political Office, Including President of The United States”, by Wendell Griffen

2. Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Piece Featuring The Little Rock Poet Laureate Leron McAdoo

3. Jazz Night With An R&B Flavor

4. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Panel Discussion

5. The Black History Commission of Arkansas Hosts “The State of Race Relations and Education in Arkansas Today”

The Black History Commission of Arkansas will host its next symposium from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Saturday, February 3, titled “The State of Race Relations and Education in Arkansas Today.” Check-in is at 9:15 a.m.
Featured speakers include:
- Dr. Sybil Hampton – Philanthropist and retired educator
- Elise Hampton – Principal, North Little Rock Middle School
- Mabel Bynum – Retired educator
- & more!
The symposium will be held at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, located at 501 W. 9th Street in downtown Little Rock. A box lunch will be served to those who pre-register. Professional development hours will be available for all educators who attend.
While the event is free, registration is required. Deadline to register is Monday, January 29.