1. Screen Time w/Today’s Communiqué Chats w/Drs. Pat Griffen and Khiela Holmes
2. Urban League of the State of Arkansas, Inc. Hosts ‘Your Health Matters’ Virtual Discussion About Young People and Healthcare
3. Little Rock Workforce Development Board Hosts Its Virtual Career Fair
4. Chi Eta Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Presents ‘Marshall’ Virtual Movie
5. The Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus Hosts The 411 on the 2020 Ballot Initiatives
6. Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce Hosts Minority Enterprise Development Week featuring Access to Capital for Minority-Owned Businesses
1. Screen Time w/Today’s Communiqué Chats w/Drs. Pat Griffen and Khiela Holmes
2. Urban League of the State of Arkansas, Inc. Hosts ‘Your Health Matters’ Virtual Discussion About Young People and Healthcare
3. Little Rock Workforce Development Board Hosts Its Virtual Career Fair
4. Chi Eta Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Presents ‘Marshall’ Virtual Movie
Join us in remembering beloved actor Chadwick Boseman with an encore virtual viewing of Marshall, hosted by the Chi Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on Saturday, September 12 at 7:00PM CDT. We will have a special introduction by Leon Chills, screenwriter, who worked on the set of Marshall and who will help us honor the legacy of Chadwick Boseman.
5. The Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus Hosts The 411 on the 2020 Ballot Initiatives
What’s up with all the drama on ballot initiatives? Why did the Arkansas Supreme Court kick out two of them? Get the 411 on which 4 (maybe) will be on your ballot this November 3rd. Join us Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 5:00 pm on Facebook Live. Hear from Rep. Reginald Murdock on the 3 issues that were sponsored by the Arkansas Legislature
6. Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce Hosts Minority Enterprise Development Week featuring Access to Capital for Minority-Owned Businesses
Click Here to access the link to the full MED Week schedule