1. From Essence.com: ‘I Was Denied Opportunity In School. I’m Running For Congress To Advocate For All’, by Senator Joyce Elliott
2. National Urban League Releases Its State of Black America Report
3. Screen Time w/Today’s Communiqué Chats with Desiree Rogers a/k/a DJ Dezz
4. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Pi Omega Chapter Hosts Your Vote: Decision 2020 with Pulaski County Clerk Terri Hollingsworth
5. Union A.M.E. Church Hosts Its 2020 Women’s Day Virtual Worship Experience
1. From Essence.com: ‘I Was Denied Opportunity In School. I’m Running For Congress To Advocate For All’, by Senator Joyce Elliott
2. National Urban League Releases Its State of Black America Report

3. Screen Time w/Today’s Communiqué Chats with Desiree Rogers a/k/a DJ Dezz
4. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Pi Omega Chapter Hosts Your Vote: Decision 2020 with Pulaski County Clerk Terri Hollingsworth
Do you know your options for voting in the November General Election? Join Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® Beta Pi Omega Chapter on Thursday, August 13 at 6p via Zoom to learn what options are available to you so that your vote is counted in November’s General Election. Pulaski County Clerk Terri Hollingsworth will lead the discussion and share important information about the upcoming election and how to become a poll worker. This event is free and open to the public. Please invite your family and friends and share these Zoom login details:
Join Zoom Meeting
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