1. UAPB Offers Weekly Vaccination Clinic
2. ReMix Ideas and Forge Community Loan Fund Introduce The Imani Fund
3. The TRIO Educational Opportunity Center Hosts Food Truck Friday
4. The Bobby Portis Foundation Hosts Community Event
5. Arkansas Center for Health Disparities Distinguished Speaker Series Hosts “Population Health Challenges for Latinos in the U.S.”, Featuring Alex Ortega, Ph.D.
1. UAPB Offers Weekly Vaccination Clinic

August 9, 2021
UAPB Offers Weekly Vaccination Clinic
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is offering a weekly vaccination clinic in partnership with Doctor’s Orders Pharmacy. The clinic is free and open to all unvaccinated enrolled students, faculty and staff. Doctor’s Orders Pharmacy is administering the Pfizer vaccine.
All students, faculty and staff who are yet to be vaccinated
When and Where:
Each Wednesday through Sept. 1, 2021
1 p.m.-3 p.m. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff STEM Building (Corner of L.A. “Prexi” Davis Dr. and Watson Blvd.)
Contact Information: Stephanie Jackson Director of Public and Media Relations The Design Group (m) 501.773.1430 [email protected]
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