1. Urban League of the State of Arkansas Hosts Its May Virtual Meeting Featuring Kymara Seals, Mental Health Advocate and Founder & Board Chair – D’Andre Seals Suicide Project

2. One Stone Productions Hosts Noir Fridays Featuring LaChaz & Bijoux

3. Preservation of African-American Cemeteries Hosts Its 2023 Memorial In May Cemetery Preservation Conference (Helena)

Click Here for Registration Information and Agenda
4. Emmanuel Baptist Church Hosts Its Baptism and Salvation
5. Bethel A.M.E. Church Hosts It Pop-up Shops

6. One Stone Productions Hosts Saturday Night Live Featuring Keith Savage

7. Just Communities of Arkansas Announces Its Storytelling Campaign: I Am Arkansas

Just Communities of Arkansas is proud to announce its storytelling campaign: I Am Arkansas. Throughout the month of June, JCA will highlight stories of people from across Arkansas centering on why they call the Natural State “home”. The goal of this initiative is to celebrate the unique differences of those who live here, while highlighting our common values. JCA will host a storytelling workshop in collaboration Laman Library on Tuesday, May 23rd from 4:30pm-6:30pm to create connections while teaching people how to share their unique narratives.
8. Black History Commission Presents Its June Symposium Featuring African American Authors & Visual Artists

9. NAACP Little Rock Branch Hosts Its Juneteenth ‘Freedom In America’ Contest