1. Dr. Michele Wise Wright Receives NBE’s 2024 “Lifetime Achievement Award in Industry” Golden Torch Award

Dr. Michele Wise Wright, Ph.D. received the prestigious 2024 “Lifetime Achievement in Industry” Golden Torch Award at the 50th National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Gala on March 23rd in Atlanta, GA in recognition of her exceptional technical achievements, exemplary leadership, and significant career contributions in industry over many years.
NSBE’s 50th Conference made history in Atlanta as it gathered more than 18,000 attendees for NSBE50. As Dr. Wise Wright shares, “I am so incredibly grateful for this incredible honor. And, the icing on the cake, or should I say the Gold on the Torch, was being introduced and having this momentous lifetime achievement award presented to me by no other than Mr. Edmond Coleman, one of the esteemed “Chicago Six” (Ed Coleman, Anthony “Tony” Harris, Brian Harris, Stanley L. Kirtley (deceased), John W. Logan Jr. (deceased), and George Antoin Smith) who founded NSBE in 1974 at Purdue University, alongside their Advisor, the Late Dr. Arthur J. Bond.”
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2. Pyramid Art, Books, & Custom Framing Host Total Eclipse Art in the Dark Festival

3. Celebrate! Maya Project Hosts Its 10-Year Anniversary with a Series of Events

4. Inaugural Riverfront Jazz Festival (Pine Bluff)

5. Tea Time & Align w/Dr. Jacque Eaves Hosts Book Signing with Author, Jacinda Jones

6. Central Arkansas Library System Hosts Its Grand Reopening of Sue Cowan Williams Library

7. Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals To Host 70th Commemoration of Brown Vs Board of Education

8. The Arkansas Minority Health Commission Hosts Its 8th Biennial Minority Health Summit