1. [TODAY] Philander Smith College Hosts ‘AR Story’ – I Survived Covid-19 A Forum Discussion Featuring Earle, Arkansas Mayor Jaylen Smith

2. [Cancelled Due To Weather]The Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission Commemorative Vigil Honoring the Passing of Iconic Civil Rights Leader

3. Celebrate National Public Health Week with Mumford and Associated, LLC and Devanity Public Health Solutions

4. You’re Invited: An Introduction To Nonprofit Entrepreneurship

5. Celebrate! Maya Project Hosts Documentary Screening ‘Journey Back to Now’

On Thursday, April 6th, at 6:00pm at the Ron Robinson Theater (CALS Library Square 100 Rock Street, Little Rock, AR) in Little Rock, join Celebrate! Maya for their month-long Celebration kicks off with an exciting premiere screening of Global Arts Corps’ Journey Back to Now, a documentary that traces a group of 19 youth circus performers from the streets of Battambang, Cambodia, as they seek to discover for themselves the horrors of the Khmer Rouge regime. Together with Global Arts Corps (GAC), these performers created an acrobatic stage production that explored the ramifications of the genocide on today’s youth population in Cambodia. This documentary tells that story.
6. Let’s Talk About Motherhood w/Kinetra Washington

7. UCA Women of Excellence and Office of Diversity & Community Host Its 9th Annual Women’s Tea (Conway)

8. You’re Invited: The Village Egg Hunt

9. Central Arkansas Unites – Post Disaster Mental Health Response

Click Here To Register
10. The T.U.R.N. Presents March for Women and Girls