Judge Mark Leverett, Shawn Burgess, Keisha Richard Patterson
January 1, 2023
(photos courtesy Marie Wilson for Today’s Communiqué)
Gary Connors looks on as his wife, Judge Cara Connors takes the oath of office from Justice Rhonda Wood
Judge Mark Leverett, Shawn Burgess, Keisha Richard Patterson
Judge Rita Bailey
Judge Leon Johnson assists Judge Cara Connors with her robe
Olivia, Kimberly, Jerald, and Camille Gardner
Phaedra Cowin
City Director Antwann Phillips addresses attendees
Judge Cara Connors addresses attendees
Robert Tellez
Terence & Quynci Cox
Ben Coleman, Robert Smith
Bessie & James Hagood
Camille, Paulina
Addisyn, Gerran, Kayleigh