Historic Marker Placement & Commemoration of the 1927 Lynching of John Carter sponsored by the Arkansas Peace and Justice Memorial Movement (APJMM) Pulaski County Community Remembrance Project (PCRRP) and the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
Kwami & Clarice Abdul-Bey (Co-Convenors, Arkansas Peace and Justice Memorial Movement)
Quantia ‘Key’ Fletcher (Executive Director Mosaic Templars Cultural Center), Hon. Lottie Shackleford, Eartha Daniel, Dr. Dionne Jackson (Chief Equity Officer, City of Little Rock)
Dr. Holmes, Kenneth Henderson
Donald Wood (Executive Director, Just Communities of Arkansas), Dr. Sara Tariq (Board Co-Chair, Just Communities of Arkansas)
Scott Green, Brian Rodgers
Soil Sample
Trey Walk with Equal Justice Initiative of Montgomery, AL assists Hon. Lottie Shackleford unveils the historic marker for John Carter
Paris Wilkerson (Equal Justice Initiative – Montgomery, AL), Trey West (Equal Justice Initiative – Montgomery, AL)
Rev. Dr. Denise Donnell participates in the commemorative soil collection