Judge Mark Leverett, Ret. Asst. LRPD Chief Eric Higgins, Sherman Tate
April 8, 2017
(photos courtesy Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.)
Judge Mark Leverett, Ret. Asst. LRPD Chief Eric Higgins, Sherman Tate
Dr. Joseph Jones, President Arkansas Baptist College, Bro. Tarai Rolle
Bro. Allen Hayes, Bro. Zollie Stevenson, Jr
Dr. Linda Watson
Bro. And Mrs. Micheal Williams
Dr. Nancy Andrews, Dr. Rhonda Henry-Tilman
Bro. Terence Cox , Raye Montague
Kendall McFadden and Bro. James McFadden
Dr. Rodney Williams, Alvin Peer, Reginald Jackson
Claudette Barbee, Danielle Haynes
Bro. James Lee, Bro. Tim Williams
Bro. JJ Lacey, Bro. Julius Babbs, Bro. Herb Scott, Bro. Dr. Alvin Futrell , Bro. Charles Green
Breakfast- Bro. Keith McGhee, Cicily McGhee
Alvin Peer, Melinda Peer, Roena Mitchell, Reginald Jackson
Jordan Highley, Past Award Winner