7th Annual Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk April 27, 2019 Today's Communiqué Gallery 0 Lott Rolfe, Judge Leon Johnson, Phillip Hood April 27, 2019 NBA Hall of Famer Sidney Moncrief with Diversity & Inclusion student volunteers Michael Williams, Charles Mobley, Victor Turner Lott Rolfe, Judge Leon Johnson, Phillip Hood Brandy Coleman, Sharre Brooks, Denise Clay Johnny Jemerson, Ron Paige Ayoka Boaitey, Dr. Karama Neal Anthony Ellerson, Ken McDonald Exa Hartman, Janae Hartman Keith and Melanie Jackson Leititia Bailey, Phillip Hood Bill Johnson, Jay Hartman, Tom Courtway Leon Chitman, Marcus Waters Iris Griffith, Monica Smith, Audrey Burks Team Razorback Cross Fit